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Produire etinnoveren France : Stallergenes Greer choisit la France depuis plus de 60 Ans !Depuis plus de 60 ans, notre présence en France témoigne de notre engagement envers la souveraineté et la robustesse de notre système de soins.Production : De notre site d'Antony, en Ile de France, où se situe notre centre de production, à celui d'Amilly dans le Loiret, où nous cultivons nos pollenset traitons nos matières premières, c'est en France que nousinnovons et produisonsdes solutions thérapeutiques pour répondre aux besoins des patients dans 44 pays, ce qui représente plus de 60% de la capacité de production totale du Groupe.Contrôle de la qualité : Notre intégration verticale, de la matière première aux produits finis, assure le contrôle de la qualité de nos produits, du diagnostic à nos traitements d'immunothérapie, qu'ils soient sous forme de solutions sublinguales, de comprimés, ou d'injectables. Toutes ces formes pharmaceutiques sont produites en France.Recherche et développement: Nos activités de recherche et développement dédiées à l’innovation pour les patients allergiques sont coordonnées à partir de la France.Engagement local : Avec près de 600 collaborateurs actifs en France, nous sommes engagés dans la vie locale, contribuant durablement à l'économie de notre communauté.Chez Stallergenes Greer, choisir de produire et innover en France est un engagement pour œuvrer dans le domaine de la santé au service des patients souffrant d'allergies et participer pleinement à la vie des communautés locales.#Choosefrance#MadeInFrance #IndustriePharmaceutique #InnovationLocale #ResponsabilitéSociale #CareBeyondAllergy

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    We are proud to announce that the Stallergenes Greer Foundation unveiled the winners of its 2023 Science Awards for Allergy. The awardsallocate a total amount of 150,000 € for outstanding work led by a young scientist and/or a mid-career scientist to advance precision medicine in the field of allergy, and outstanding work in the environmental field to advance the prevention and treatment of allergies. Congratulations to the five winners! Jennifer Koplin, Rachel Peters, Jenny Hallgren Martinsson, Luciana Tanno, Dorra Gharbi.



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    #DidYouKnow “Thunderstorm Asthma” describes an asthma attack after a thunderstorm? Thunderstorm asthma can affect individuals with asthma as well as those with seasonal #AllergicRhinitis when they are exposed to specific weather conditions. Thunderstorms concentrate particles such as pollen and fungal spores in the clouds. These particles, which are broken up into smaller pieces by a variety of elements such as wind and lightening during a thunderstorm, can then easily enter the respiratory tract. Not all individuals with asthma or allergic rhinitis will develop thunderstorm asthma, however according to the "Thunderstorm asthma in seasonal allergic rhinitis" TAISAR study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 37% of seasonal allergic rhinitis sufferers in the study group reported thunderstorm asthma without attending hospital for treatment, and 28% reported thunderstorm asthma and presented to the hospital for treatment. About The TAISAR study: is important for individuals with thunderstorm asthma to be cautious during these periods by making sure that their asthma medication is being taken as prescribed by their physician, staying indoors and avoiding identified asthma and respiratory allergy triggers.#ThunderstormAsthma #Allergies #AllergyWeTakeItPersonally

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    #WorldAsthmaDay is May 7. World Asthma Day is held each May to raise awareness of #asthma worldwide. This year’s theme, “Asthma Education Empowers”, emphasizes the need to empower people with asthma with the appropriate education to manage their disease, and to recognize when to seek medical help. According to WHO, asthma, a major noncommunicable disease is the most common chronic disease among children, affected 262 million people and caused 455,000 deaths worldwide in 2019. Most asthma-related deaths occur in low- and lower-middle-income countries, where under-diagnosis and under-treatment is a challenge.The impact of asthma is significant for sufferers and their families with missed school or work days, and physical limitations on sports and leisure activities, as well representing an important financial burden. #DidYouKnow that a less well- known, and often underestimated, consequence of #RespiratoryAllergies is that they put people at a greater risk of developing asthma? People with #AllergicRhinitis are three times more likely to develop asthma than other people, and the risk for patients with house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis is about six times higher than for those whose allergic rhinitis is caused by grass pollen (source: Bergeron C, Hamid Q. Relationship between Asthma and Rhinitis: Epidemiologic, Pathophysiologic, and Therapeutic Aspects). Learn more about asthma, its symptoms and causes at Each year, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), a World Health Organization collaborative organization founded in 1993, holds World Asthma Day the first Tuesday of May.

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    Stallergenes Greer publishes landmark EfficAPSI real-world study confirming the significant benefit of its liquid sublingual AIT on the onset and progression of allergic asthma in the Lancet Regional Health Europe. This retrospective longitudinal pharmaco-epidemiological real-world study, which evaluated data over a 9-year period, included over 440,000 patients.“Exploring the impact of allergen immunotherapy on asthma onset and progression is crucial, and we're committed to filling those gaps. Through this real-world EfficAPSI study, Stallergenes Greer is honoured to contribute valuable scientific evidence and insights to allergy treatment. We remain focused on advancing disease-modifying solutions, fuelled by strong clinical data, to redefine respiratory care, and dedicated to improving quality of life for people with allergies” declared Dr Elena Rizova, Chief Medical Officer, Stallergenes Greer.Read the full press release here: #AllergyWeTakeItPersonally

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    “When I verify a prescription order and see the patient’s name, I am reminded that each patient we serve relies on our product to improve their quality of life,” Kevin Plant, Pharmacist in charge.Kevin works at Stallergenes Greer’s Lenoir (NC) site where he is responsible for ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations regarding the manufacturing and distribution of our treatments.Every day, Stallergenes Greer colleagues across the globe, work together to deliver safe, efficient, and high-quality allergen immunotherapy treatments to improve the quality of life of patients like James who suffer from respiratory, food or insect venom allergy. #AllergenImmunotherapy #AllergyWeTakeItPersonally #RespiratoryAllergy #FoodAllergy #InsectVenomAllergy

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    As spring unfolds, so does the peak of pollen season, often leading to a phenomenon known as "pollen storms". For many, spring means more than just blooming flowers, it is a battle against allergies.Pollen storms occur when high levels of pollen are suddenly released into the air, typically during the spring or summer. This phenomenon usually happens after a period of cold or wet weather, followed by warm, dry conditions. During cold or rainy periods, plants delay releasing their pollen. However, as the weather shifts and becomes warmer and dryer, plants swiftly release accumulated pollen into the air.The rapid increase in airborne pollen can drastically worsen symptoms for people with pollen allergies, and lead to severe allergic reactions. Pollen storms can be particularly challenging for individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions, as the elevated pollen count can trigger both more intense and more frequent attacks.Monitoring pollen levels and forecasts can be crucial for people who are sensitive to allergens, helping them take preventive measures to mitigate exposure during these high-pollen periods.At Stallergenes Greer we are dedicated to not only providing effective #AllergenImmunotherapy treatments but also to empowering our community with knowledge to manage these seasonal challenges better.We were delighted to address this important topic at the CFA congress, the French Congress for Allergology, underscoring our dedication to enhancing scientific and medical knowledge and our ongoing commitment to societal contributions in our field. #CareBeyondAllergy #CFA2024 #Allergies

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    #Pollen is the thing that keeps individuals with #AllergicRhinitis sniffling, sneezing, and more for several weeks out of the year!At Stallergenes Greer, we work with nature to make the extracts we need to provide #AllergenImmunotherapy treatments for allergy patients worldwide. Pollen harvesting season has just started at our Amilly site in France. Our colleagues are already in the fields, collecting co*cksfoot, sweet vernal grass, rye grass, meadow grass, and timothy, and they will continue until July.In the U.S., pollen collection happens year-round for Stallergenes Greer. Our facility in Mathiston, Mississippi, grows, harvests, and collects over 75 different pollens on 56 hectares of land. Tree pollens are collected from February through June and the season begins with Mountain Cedar, followed by Red Cedar and Bald Cypress. After those pollens are collected, the teams move onto the other tree species that are pollinating over the next few months such as American Elm, Bayberry, American Beech, River Birch, Loblolly Pine, Shagbark Hickory, White Hickory, Sweet Gum, Yellow Pine, Pecan, Black Walnut.In addition, starting in May the team will start preparing and planting the fields used to collect weed pollens in the late summer and fall.Harvesting our own pollen allows us to better control the different factors involved in to produce the purest pollens. It also enables us to harvest pollens that other collectors may not be able to obtain for us.#AllergyWeTakeItPersonally #HayFever #WorkingWithNature #CareBeyondAllergy

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    April 7 is #WorldHealthDay. This year’s theme focuses on “My Health, My Right” to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination. The burning of fossil fuels is simultaneously driving the climate crisis and taking away our right to breathe clean air, with indoor and outdoor air pollution claiming a life every 5 seconds. At Stallergenes Greer, the environmental pillar of our corporate responsibility programme, #CareBeyondAllergy, focuses on advancing climate action and preserving nature to boost the prevention and treatment of allergies. It embodies our engagement to lessen our impact on the environment by notably supporting research in environmental health and ecology of health, with a specific focus on the impact of air pollution on respiratory diseases. This environmental commitment is also carried by the Stallergenes Greer Foundation whose mission is “to create healthier futures for all”. The foundation’s Science Awards For Allergy Environmental Health Award honours the work of a researcher who is pioneering research aimed at preserving and restoring both natural and built ecosystems and contributing to advancing the prevention and treatment of allergies.#AllergenImmunotherapy #MyHealthMyRight #AllergyWeTakeItPersonally #ClimateAction

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    At Stallergenes Greer, we believe patients deserve an #AllergenImmunotherapy solution which is tailored to their needs and profile and are determined to fully leverage the potential of precision medicine for the benefit of people with allergies. Precision medicine consists in using the individual characteristics and mechanism of disease of each patient to evaluate the efficacy and safety of our AIT treatments, while reducing costs both for patients and healthcare authorities.Stallergenes Greer boasts a longstanding expertise regarding the mechanism of action of AIT and has been intensifying the identification of biomarker candidates to predict and monitor the efficacy of the Group’s AIT treatments. We continue to work towards identifying the most relevant allergens for the treatment of allergies and partner with renowned academics in the field of respiratory allergies to characterise the molecular profiles of allergic patients.The development of targeted approaches to patient profiles or the characterisation of specific epitopes, will not only improve disease outcomes for patients but also contribute to a better understanding of both the mechanism of disease and the immunological system response.#AllergenImmunotherapy #AllergyWeTakeItPersonally #PrecisionMedicine

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STALLERGENES GREER sur LinkedIn : #choosefrance #madeinfrance #industriepharmaceutique #innovationlocale… (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.