Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (2024)

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Everything you need to know about the two dominant cannabis species, how hybrids work and much, much more.

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (1)Jeremy Poland

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (2)

By Sean Tirman




Whether you’re a newcomer or an old head, you’re probably aware that there’s a lot of vocabulary to know relating to cannabis. Even the plant itself has many names: cannabis, weed, marijuana, ganja, pot, reefer, dope, etc. While many of these terms (and others) might be mostly insignificant or too deep in the weeds (pun intended) for the average consumer, others can be downright essential to understanding the landscape and products you might be buying.

Of all the terms relating to cannabis, however, there are two that are potentially the most important to know: indica and sativa. This is because these are the names of the two dominant cannabis species — and the basis for understanding the various strains you might come across. We break these two terms down below, offer a bit of background and even offer some answers to other questions you might have related to cannabis.

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Cannabis indica, defined

One of the two major subspecies of cannabis, cannabis indica is a plant native to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Turkey — especially the arid, windy Hindu Kush mountains (which is where the term “kush” originates, as well). Typically, this type of cannabis has high levels of CBD — often higher than its levels of THC — but it can also be abundant in psychoactive THC.

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (6)Cappi Thompson

Physically, cannabis indica is typically stout and bushy with broad leaves, usually around two-to-four feet in height. It is also said to grow faster than sativa and can produce more buds. In regards to this species’ effects on the body, it is widely believed that cannabis indica, when consumed, has psychoactive effects associated with deep relaxation and calmness.

Cannabis sativa, defined

The other of the two cannabis subspecies, cannabis sativa is native to Africa, Central America, Southeast and Western Asia. In contrast with indica, sativa has higher levels of THC and lower levels of CBD — although this does not necessarily mean its psychoactive THC content is higher than that of indica, just that its CBD levels are lower.

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (7)danielzgombic

Physically, cannabis sativa is typically tall and thin with more spindly leaves than its sibling species, able to grow taller at an average of around six feet. Colloquially, it is said that sativa often has a range of psychoactive effects that, when ingested, can make a person feel energized, focused and more stimulated.

What about hybrids? How do they work?

As you might’ve guessed, a hybrid is when at least one sativa strain and at least one indica strain are combined into a single plant. The idea here is that a hybrid combines the effects of both its constituent strains and offers a broader suite of effects, both psychoactive and otherwise. In layman’s terms, it means you can (in theory) get both a body and brain high from a single strain of cannabis rather than having to settle for just one or the other.

Unfortunately, it’s not entirely that simple (it never is). While botany is certainly a science, combining these plant species does not necessarily mean you’re going to get one that’s exactly 50 percent of one and 50 percent of the other. It also doesn’t mean the resulting plant will contain the same amounts of THC and/or CBD. It could also have a varying array of other properties to consider, like taste, what it smells like, how it might help with certain medical conditions, etc.

This is the same with other plant hybrids, as well. For instance, when you combine a plum and an apricot, you sometimes get a pluot. However, it’s also possible to get a plumcot, apriplum and/or aprium — which all differ in several ways. The same goes for cannabis. Lucky for you, the growers usually do the hard work of figuring out the genetics, and, if they’re above board, they’ll have the information readily available for consumers to glean. Take Leafly’s breakdown of my favorite strains, Forbidden Runtz, for instance.

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Are the two cannabis species really that different?

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (11)Marcel ter Bekke

There’s actually a lot of debate about this. The idea that the plants are different in their chemical makeup is a bit of an old piece of information — the opinion of 18th-century naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, in fact. While the colloquial understanding is still that the species are chemically distinct — that indica is relaxing and calming, whereas sativa is uplifting and energizing — it is probably not that simple and might not be accurate at all.

Dr. Ethan Russo, MD, a board-certified neurologist, psychopharmacology researcher, and Medical Director of PHYTECS, a biotechnology company, called this understanding of indica and sativa “total nonsense and an exercise in futility” all the way back in 2016 in this interview from the National Library of Medicine. He also went on to say that “one cannot in any way currently guess the biochemical content of a given Cannabis plant based on its height, branching, or leaf morphology,” but that “there are biochemically distinct strains of cannabis,” and that “it is essential that future commerce allows complete and accurate cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles to be available.”

To make it simpler, the suggestion is that there are different psychoactive effects from cannabis strain to cannabis strain but that these differences do not exist because they are either indica or sativa. Theoretically, it’s just as possible to have a relaxing and calming sativa as it is to have an uplifting, energizing indica and everything in between. What’s more important, rather than relying on outdated, perhaps incorrect polar distinctions, is understanding the chemical makeup of a given cannabis strain.

Are there really only two species of cannabis?

Nope. Along with cannabis indica and cannabis sativa, there’s a third: cannabis ruderalis. However, ruderalis produces a relatively low amount of psychoactive chemicals, especially THC, found in abundance within indica and sativa plants. As such, it is rarely grown on its own, as there’s little commercial value to the plant.

Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (12)Sutthiwat Srikhrueadam

It is, however, sometimes used in growing hybrids because it has a useful unique property. Cannabis ruderalis is capable of “autoflowering” — it flowers as a result of age, not light conditions. This makes for a more robust and productive plant, as it is less dependent on growing conditions in regard to how much (and the quality of therein) smokeable cannabis flower it produces.

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Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol (2024)


Sativa for Energy or Indica to Relax — Is the Difference Between Weed Species That Simple? | Gear Patrol? ›

While the colloquial understanding is still that the species are chemically distinct — that indica is relaxing and calming, whereas sativa is uplifting and energizing — it is probably not that simple and might not be accurate at all.

Which weed is more relaxing indica or sativa? ›

CCR: Sativa is often described as being uplifting and energetic, whereas indica as being relaxing and calming.

Does indica or sativa make you relaxed? ›

The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for several medicinal and recreational purposes. Sativa has primarily an energizing effect, while indica has a relaxing effect and can help you sleep.

What is stronger, sativa or indica? ›

In terms of their intoxicating or psychoactive effects, sativa strains are said to be 'stronger' than indica strains because of their high THC content.

Do you feel more high with sativa or indica? ›

Sativa strains are known to produce a “mind high,” or a mood-boosting, energising effect that helps you feel more alert. Sativa often has higher doses of THC and lower doses of CBD. Indica strains offer relaxing effects that may also help to reduce pain, increase your appetite and aid sleep.

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Indica Strains

Bubba Kush: Renowned for its deeply relaxing and soothing effects, Bubba Kush may help alleviate muscle spasms and induce a state of tranquility. Northern Lights: A classic indica strain, Northern Lights is cherished for its muscle-relaxing properties and ability to soothe both body and mind.

Which strain of weed makes you mellow? ›

Traditionally, indica strains are associated with more of a body high that makes you feel relaxed. They're often recommended for people seeking strains to help with pain, insomnia, nausea, or poor appetite.

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Our Top CBD Gummies For Anxiety
  • CBDfx Original Mixed Berry CBD Gummies.
  • Carmen's Medicinals Broad Spectrum CBD Gummies.
  • Batch CBD Gummies.
  • Brown Girl Jane CBD Gelées.
  • Batch CBD Gold Reserve Gummies.
May 3, 2024

Can I mix sativa and Indica together? ›

Can you mix Indica and Sativa-dominant strains? Yes you can, and many do precisely that. The effects may feel similar to a well-balanced hybrid cannabis strain. Some can find that e.g. the most powerful sativa strains can feel a little too much for less experienced smokers, perhaps producing a touch of anxiety.

What are the symptoms of a sativa? ›

Cannabis sativa:
  • Gives you energy.
  • Enhances mood and makes you feel happy.
  • Makes you more social.
  • Lowers inhibitions.

What strain gives you giggles? ›

Best weed strains for laughing
  • Laughing Buddha: Sativa.
  • Chemdawg: Hybrid.
  • OG Kush: Hybrid.
  • Church OG: Indica.
  • Sweet Diesel:Sativa.
  • Blue Diesel:Hybrid.
  • Ghost Train Haze: Sativa.
  • Strawberry Amnesia: Sativa.
Oct 4, 2023

Is sativa better for pain or Indica? ›

The researchers found that participants preferred indica strains for pain management, sedation, and sleep, while they would opt for sativa strains to improve energy and mood. Regarding pain management, participants reported a statistically significant effect when using indica for: non-migraine headaches. neuropathy.

Which sativa strain is best? ›

Best Sativa Weed Strains - First Look
  • Maui Wowie – Best cannabis Sativa overall (guaranteed germination)
  • Blue Dream – Boosted creativity and inspiration.
  • Jack Herer – Ideal for daytime marijuana use.
  • Strawberry Cough – Major euphoric vibes.
  • Chocolope Fem – Most unusual flavor profile.
  • Durban Poison – Fast-acting effects.
Jun 3, 2024

Which is more of a body high Indica or Sativa? ›

Indicas provide what has been called a “body high,” while sativas deliver more of a “mind high.” Unfortunately, sativa plants require longer to grow and yield less medicine (flowers) than indica varieties.

Does Indica or Sativa make you eat more? ›

Many cannabis companies categorize the varietals as indica, sativa, or hybrid. According to cannabis lore, sativa plants are often associated with increased energy and indica plants are associated with the munchies.

Is Indica or Sativa better for PTSD? ›

While some companies may state that indica and sativa have different effects on the body, there is no clear evidence to support this. More research is necessary to determine whether these strains have different benefits and which one is best for PTSD.

Is Sativa a high or downer? ›

Cannabis sativa strains are generally uplifting and give you a 'high. ' Sativa strains mainly consist of a high limonene content that uplifts the mood. There are strains of cannabis, such as Indica, that induce sleepiness. The percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels can have an impact on your sleep cycle.

Is Sativa or Indica more uplifting weed? ›

While Indica strains tend to offer more relaxing effects, cannabis Sativa is more stimulating and uplifting, while strains with high strength are known for offering more intense and longer-lasting effects.

What weed strain feels the best? ›

What are the best strains for feeling euphoric?
  • Rainbow Belts. ...
  • Face Off OG. ...
  • Apples and Bananas. ...
  • White Runtz. ...
  • Gelato. ...
  • Jack Frost. This strain evokes a winter wonderland all year round. ...
  • GMO Cookies. Funky and fun. ...
  • Gushers. Gushers brings the gas of both Gelato #41 and Triangle Kush with a berry twist.

Why does Sativa calm me down? ›

Sativa strains cause a boost of serotonin, a neurotransmitter which is involved in our brain's regulation of sleep, appetite, anxiety, movement, learning, and overall mood.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.