Crystal Palace's Top 50 Most Expensive Transfers (2024)

Can you name the Crystal Palace's Top 50 Most Expensive Transfers as of January 2024?

By maurice456


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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


Fee (Country)NameTeam Departed
£26.6m (Belgium)Liverpool
£24.0m (France)Liverpool
£19.9m (England)Chelsea
£19.2m (Mali)Lens
£17.9m (England)Blackburn Rovers
£17.0m (Brazil)Flamengo
£15.2m (England)Queens Park Rangers
£14.9m (Denmark)Olympique Lyon
£14.9m (England)Manchester United
£13.9m (France)Celtic
£13.6m (Norway)Midtjylland
£13.3m (England)Newcastle United
£12.9m (Serbia)Olympiacos
£11.8m (France)Paris Saint-Germain
£11.7m (Ghana)Leicester City
£10.2m (USA)Bayern Munich
£10.2m (France)Stuttgart
£10.0m (England)West Ham United
£9.4m (France)Mainz 05
£9.1m (Senegal)West Ham United
£8.9m (Netherlands)Sunderland
£8.5m (England)Sunderland
£7.9m (France)Reading
£7.7m (Netherlands)Ajax
£7.5m (Scotland)Wigan Athletic
Fee (Country)NameTeam Departed
£6.8m (Colombia)Genk
£6.0m (England)Watford
£5.4m (England)Queens Park Rangers
£4.5m (Senegal)LOSC Lille
£4.5m (England)Peterborough
£4.2m (England)Queens Park Rangers
£3.2m (Ivory Coast)Manchester United
£3.2m (England)Tottenham Hotspur
£3.2m (France)Strasbourg
£3.2m (Finland)Blackburn Rovers
£3.1m (Wales)Wolverhampton Wanderers
£3.0m (France) (Loan)Mainz 05
£3.0m (Wales)Celtic
£3.0m (Jamaica)Reading
£3.0m (Algeria)Nottingham Forest
£2.8m (Ireland)Everton
£2.6m (Ireland)Birmingham City
£2.4m (England)Millwall
£2.4m (Ghana)Swansea City
£2.4m (Latvia)Skonto
£2.3m (Poland)Zagłębie Lubin
£2.3m (England)Manchester City
£2.3m (England)Sunderland
£2.1m (England)Wolverhampton Wanderers
£2.0m (England)Huddersfield Town
Crystal Palace's Top 50 Most Expensive Transfers (2024)


Crystal Palace's Top 50 Most Expensive Transfers? ›

1 – Aaron Wan-Bissaka – £50m.

What is the record transfer sale for Crystal Palace? ›

1 – Aaron Wan-Bissaka – £50m.

Have Crystal Palace ever been top of the league? ›

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Palace became a force in the top flight and challenged Arsenal and Liverpool for the English league title in 1990–91, but eventually ended the season in third place, the club's highest league finish to date.

Who is the most expensive transfer in Premier League history? ›

Chelsea's signing of Enzo Fernández in January 2023 was the most expensive signing ever made by a club in the English Premier League, costing around 121 million euros. Meanwhile, Moisés Caicedo's 116 million euro move to the Blues ranked fourth.

Who is the highest paid player at Crystal Palace? ›

2024 Active Roster
Player (25)PosAnnual Salary
Cheick DoucouréM£3,120,000
Jeffrey SchluppD£3,120,000
Chris RichardsD£2,860,000
Marc GuehiD£2,600,000
21 more rows

Who is Crystal Palace best player? ›

Jean-Philippe Mateta's scintillating form this season has seen him crowned Crystal Palace's Player of the Season for 2023/24. The Palace No. 14 has enjoyed his most prolific campaign in England to date, with his unstoppable strike against Manchester United his 15th of the season, with 12 coming in the Premier League.

Who is the most expensive player in transfer history? ›

The current transfer record was set by the transfer of Neymar from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain for €222 million (£200 million) in August 2017.

Who is Crystal Palace all time top scorer? ›

Peter Simpson is the all-time top goalscorer for Crystal Palace.

Who is the number 10 player in Crystal Palace? ›

Eze was reported, in May 2021, to have injured his Achilles tendon in a training session and was expected to be sidelined for several months. Following the departure of Andros Townsend for Everton at the start of the 2021–22 Premier League season, Eze was given the number 10 shirt for Palace.

Who is Crystal Palace biggest rival? ›

Crystal Palace fans consider their main rival to be Brighton, with Millwall second and Charlton third.

Which team has beaten Crystal Palace the most? ›

Norwich are also the side Palace have lost the most league games to, having been beaten by them 50 times. Brighton & Hove Albion and Coventry City have each drawn 35 of their encounters with Palace, more than any other club.

Is Crystal Palace the oldest club in the world? ›

Crystal Palace can draw an established link back to the Crystal Palace football team established in 1861, which played its first match in March 1862. The connection makes Palace the oldest league club in existence still playing professional football, and founder members of both the Football Association and FA Cup.

Who spent the most money in Premier League history? ›

Most fans won't be surprised to learn that Chelsea are at the top of the list when it comes to total cash outlay, followed by Manchester City (the two clubs have spent a total of €2.46bn and €1.94bn respectively).

Who has the most expensive squad in the Premier League? ›

A financial report made public by UEFA on Thursday revealed that the 2022-23 Manchester United squad was the most expensive ever assembled at a whopping €1.42 billion ($1.543 billion) in transfer fees, surpassing the previous record held by Real Madrid, who had spent €1.33 billion in 2020.

Who is the biggest spender on football transfers? ›

  • /Chelsea FC (ENG) €2,572M. -1,042. -782. ...
  • /Manchester City (ENG) €1,726M. -862. -203. ...
  • /Paris St-Germain (FRA) €1,404M. -959. -433. ...
  • /FC Barcelona (ESP) €1,333M. -661. -231. ...
  • /Manchester United (ENG) €1,313M. -1,348. -773. ...
  • /Juventus FC (ITA) €1,298M. -449. -220. ...
  • /Tottenham Hotspur (ENG) €1,290M. -634. -608. ...
  • /SL Benfica (POR) €1,223M. +732. +354.
Feb 21, 2024

Who owns the most of Crystal Palace? ›

Crystal Palace co-owner John Textor is the club's biggest shareholder and his Eagle Football Holdings has about a 45% stake in the Premier League outfit. His company also has majority stakes in French giants Lyon, Brazil's Botafogo, Belgian top-flight club RWD Molenbeek and US academy side FC Florida.

How much did Simon Jordan get for Crystal Palace? ›

Simon Jordan purchased Crystal Palace, the club he supported, for a reported £10m in 2000, becoming the youngest chairman of a club in the Football League aged 32. He rescued the Eagles from almost certain extinction and spent £25m funding the losses.

How much is Crystal Palace squad worth? ›

Crystal Palace - £275.0m.


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